Elder Tanner Hammond

Elder Tanner Hammond

Monday, January 23, 2017

Week 74: Like a Trampoline ⚛️

Dear People,

Greetings to all my fellow citizens of the world! Its me, Tanner again. Of course, you already knew that due to the fact you're reading this email. :) I'll start off this email by apologizing if it's blandness. Literally nothing happened this week so this will probably be my worst email of all time. 🙃 I did realize what Drake meant when he said "Like a sprained ankle, boy I ain't nothing to play with" tho! But that'll be for later. :) Here's my weeeeeeeeek.

Alrighty then Tuesday we had a wayyyy good district meeting. For those of you who also read my boy Elder Beckstrom's emails, you'll notice we both usually say that nothing compares to our district meetings. Well, it's because it's true. We're still banking on president making us zone lords together sometime soon. 😝 We'd give a killer zone meeting. But our district meeting was good. I gave a workshop on trust and faith and I used the example of Jared's brother in Ether 2 & 3. Such a grand story. I just love it. After we made our way over to Dominos for some buffet pizza and might I add - Fuen has the best Dominos I've eaten in history.

Let's see! Not a whole lot happened on Wednesday and Thursday. Now that I think about it I literally can't remember anything from those days haha. I'm sorry. I think we passed by some old investigators and we got lucky and found some at home and taught them a lesson! It went decently well, but then ended with them saying that they already believe their evangelical church is true so no need for us to try to convince them otherwise. They said we could pass by when we were in the area but other than that not to waste our time haha. So I mean a solid lesson just not much came of it except that they are really great to meet with and have become our friends.  

We met with Bridget again! And we had a way good lesson with her on Friday about the Plan of Salvation and she loved it! She told us family is a big part of why she has interest in the church, and she said she really does want to gain her own testimony about the truth of all this stuff and know it's true. :) She told us she was going to come to church again and it was a really good lesson. The bad part of it: the next day we were walking in the street on our way to play some soccer, and we passed her and she was smokinggggggg 🙃😩 and I'm not talking like smoking hot, I'm sayin' like a cig guys.. let's just say it was a bit awkward.. haha we just said hi to each other and kept walking.. after we passed her I say "Welp, I'm willing to give you 90 dollars if she comes to church tomorrow." 

She didn't come. Dang! 

But hey! Like I said we were on our way to play some soccer! First time I've played in about 2 months and boy oh boy did it feel nice to get on the field again. I will admit, I was a little rusty, but I will admit I held my ground. Now if you'll remember earlier how I mentioned that I know understand what Drake meant? This is where that comes in to play. Alright so I got the ball right and I'm on a fast break, I'm weavin' in 'n out of all these kids and then I stop cuz someone is in front of me.  SO I RAINBOW THE BALL OVER HIS HEAD FIRST TIME EVER ATTEMPTED IN A GAME. The ball goes over his head, the ball comes down right underneath me, I try to keep running, I step on the ball, and I fall to the ground. Ankle = gonzo. Oh but people the amount of potential that was available in this play was incredible. You should have seen me out there. I looked like Greg Ostertag or Mark Sanchez in their prime. (lol) but yeah long story short I did a sick soccer move over this kid and then stepped on the ball and totally destroyed my ankle. It hurt but it was cool. 

I think that's pretty much it for now! Like I said, not a whole lot happened other than what you've read. I love you all and I want you to know I'm happy and loving it out here. Some days more than others but I mean for example yesterday was just a great day. Nothing happened in particular, I just I found myself smiling all day. ☺️☺️☺️ Life is good and God is great. I love this Gospel and I love all of you :) Have a grand week!

Much love.
Ankle Breakin',
T Boyyyy 🌈

Worldwide Mission Conference

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